What are the most common problems when working on extension of voice qualities such as chest and head voice beyond their range and what practical strategies to solve them does Estill Voice Training offer? Anne-Marie Speed, a sought-after vocal coach and lecturer at the Royal Academy of Music in London, who works on great musical and film productions on a daily basis, will answer these questions.
Who are Polish spoken voice teachers and how do they work? Magdalena Ostolska, PhD, a lecturer, actress, voice emission teacher, whose hobby is voice emission in speech, will talk about the results of her research on the status and level of voice emission teaching at universities (in Polish).
Dr. Gláucia Laís Salomão will present some of the latest insights from voice science and neuroscience that relate to the vocal communication of emotions during stage performance. She is a voice researcher at Stockholm University's Brain Imaging Center, so we can expect an "emotional" presentation!
Prof. Robert Sataloff is the world's most famous phoniatrician-surgeon providing voice care to professionals (including celebrities), as well as a singer and an active scientist! What voice problems does he most often diagnose in his office? Let's find out together.
During the lecture on the Soul Ingredients® approach, we will explore the voice and expression of the soul from the inside, and Dr. Trineice Robinson-Martin - a sought-after specialist in black-American styles - will be our guide.
Do you work with teenage singers? If so, you will certainly be interested in the lecture by Dr. Jenevora Williams - an expert on vocal development in children and adolescents. What to pay attention to, what to avoid, and what to be unnecessarily afraid of - here you will find answers to all the bothersome questions.
When is the right moment to let the student fly out from under the teacher's wings? Will they manage? What tools do they need to make it through the vocal world on their own? The relationship between the teacher and the students will be discussed by a singing pedagogue, laryngeal manual therapist and neuro speech therapist - Maja Wojnarowicz (in Polish).
The tongue and pharyngeal sphincters are often blamed for causing tension. But is this really the case? Or are these structures unsung heroes of amplifying sound? - Kerrie Obert, a respected speech therapist and singing teacher, will talk about groundbreaking research on these structures.
Dr. Chadley Ballantyne, an expert in acoustics, will highlight how multi-sensory perception of different frequencies affects the understanding of the style, function and quality of sung sound. We will also find out how this knowledge can improve the skills of a vocal teacher.
There has never been such a lecture before! A singer, physiotherapist and nutrition specialist will teach us what physical exercises are suitable for vocalists and how to do them so as not to cause harm, but to help. Should we be afraid of sit-ups? - let's find out during the Duncan Rock`s presentation.
Prof. Lynn Helding, the legendary American voice teacher and editor-in-chief of the Journal of Singing, will trace the evolution of research-based voice pedagogy from its inception to the present day. What have we left behind? What is the current state of this field? What challenges will the future bring?
The latest research in the field of voice disorders will be presented by Prof. Agata Szkiełkowska, Dr. Beata Miaśkiewicz and Dr. Paulina Krasnodębska - well-known and respected figures in the Polish medical and vocal community (in Polish).
The Accents Method is one of the most popular and well-researched methods of rehabilitation of voice disorders. Dr. Ronald Morris is a vocalist, speech therapist and audiologist dealing with this method scientifically. He will guide us through its theoretical background and practical application in vocal pedagogy.
If you want to meet a one-woman-band who develops the vocal potential of hundreds of artists and bands on a daily basis - be sure to join us in Gliwice! No matter where you are in your career, Juliet Russell will make you feel the wind in your sails as you reach the heights of your vocal and pedagogical abilities.
You can never talk enough about the relationship between the body and the voice! Aldona Chróściewicz, a physician and certified practitioner of the Feldenkrais method, will invite us to immerse ourselves in self-experiencing during live group workshops "Awareness through movement". This experience can become a powerful tool to support our vocal development (in Polish).
Let's take a break from singing for a while and challenge our brains. Exercises based on body percussion will allow you to work on focus, memory, coordination, rhythmic precision and orientation in musical form. The neurorhythmics workshop will be conducted by Dr. Grażyna Dzwonowska (in Polish).
Be among the best-informed singers, voice teachers and voice specialists in Poland and worldwide. Join our event!
Saturday 09/11/2024
This short workshop will identify common problems with the extension of voice qualities such as chest and head voice, using Estill Voice Training to provide alternative explanations and practical problem solving strategies. Definitions will be given and a brief overview of what Estill Voice Training is and what it can offer.
Do dziś nie ma zawodu “nauczyciel głosu w mowie”. Jednocześnie od 2004 roku, emisja głosu jest przedmiotem obowiązkowym na studiach nauczycielskich i pedagogicznych. W związku z tym prowadzony jest przez bardzo różnorodnie przygotowanych wykładowców i bardzo zróżnicowanymi metodami, choć cele i spodziewane efekty zajęć są dość ściśle określane. Przedstawiane badanie polegało na obserwacji zajęć z emisji głosu, prowadzonych na pedagogicznych uczelniach w Polsce i wywiadach z prowadzącymi. W wystąpieniu postaram się nakreślić wstępnie wyłaniające się wnioski i otworzyć dyskusję nad tematem.
Lecture only in Polish
Vocal expression of emotions is a fundamental aspect of vocal performance and life. Emotions affect voice production and the resulting vocal sound but it was not until recently that voice science began exploring the underlying physiological and motor aspects that shape voice acoustics and the emotional vocal sounds we perceive. In this talk, Dr Salomão will present some recent insights derived from voice science and neuroscience which relate to the vocal communication of emotions in performance and development of vocal expressivity in singing.
Rosnący wskaźnik zaburzeń głosu wiąże się nierozerwalnie z wszechobecnym w dzisiejszym świecie stresem, ze wzrostem oczekiwań zawodowych i społecznych oraz nieumiejętnością budowania emocjonalnych reakcji w odpowiedzi na stres i sytuacje konfliktowe. Głos odgrywa w procesie ekspresji stanów emocjonalnych u człowieka zasadniczą rolę. Z jednej strony głos jest odbiciem naszych wewnętrznych stanów emocjonalnych, z drugiej strony to właśnie emocje wpływają na jego jakość i sposób tworzenia. Skala problemu jest wystarczająco duża, by zachęcić środowisko medyczne i specjalistów innych dziedzin ale również, a może przede wszystkim profesjonalistów do podejścia interdyscyplinarnego wobec narastającego problemu funkcjonalnych zaburzeń głosu. Kompleksowe podejście powinno obejmować zarówno procedurę diagnostyczną jak i terapeutyczną. Na podstawie aktualnych doniesień piśmiennictwa przedstawione zostanie nowoczesne podejście w zakresie procedury diagnostycznej oraz obowiązujące zasady postępowania diagnostyczno-terapeutycznego w zaburzeniach głosu u profesjonalistów. Omówiona zostanie specyfika pracy lekarza z wokalistami w tym zakresie.
Lecture only in Polish
In this presentation, we'll delve into the common diagnoses and treatments encountered in professional voice users, such as singers, actors, teachers, and public speakers. We'll explore prevalent conditions like vocal nodules, polyps, and laryngitis, discussing their causes, symptoms, and diagnostic procedures. Additionally, we'll highlight evidence-based treatment approaches, including vocal hygiene practices, voice therapy techniques, and, when necessary, surgical interventions. By understanding these diagnoses and treatments, professionals can better safeguard their vocal health and optimize their performance longevity.
For over 15 years, Dr. Trineice has developed a codified system for teaching Black American folk-based music styles in the applied voice studio setting. In the session, Dr. Trineice will guide participants in the application of Black American music voice pedagogic concepts to the vocal and artistic development of CCM singers of various genres. From the development and fostering of a singer’s unique sound, to the itemization and nurturing of improvisational tools for emotional interpretation, this interactive session will explore the voice and soul expression from the inside out.
Sunday 10/11/2024
If you work with younger singers, this is essential knowledge for you. You will learn about the physical changes encountered during puberty, and listen to examples of voices in each stage of development. This will help you to assess developing voices, and to know what the voice is able to do at each stage.
Podczas tego wykładu Maja wskaże nam drogę jak pracować, aby przygotować ucznia do samodzielnej pracy poza klasą/naszym studiem, opowie jak rozwijać świadomą pracę z głosem i oddechem oraz wspierać ścieżkę zawodową artysty. Dowiemy się również czy i kiedy wypuścić podopiecznego do praktyki samodzielnej.
Lecture only in Polish
This seminar will focus on how to use exercise to improve vocal health and longevity. Learn how exercise can and should be used to enhance vocal capacity, rather than feared as a potential strain on the voice. We will explore how physical conditioning can positively impact breath control, posture, and core strength—essential elements for vocalists. Additionally, we'll address common concerns regarding exercises that may cause tension or fatigue, offering solutions that integrate safe, targeted fitness practices to support vocal endurance. Participants will leave with practical strategies to incorporate exercise into their routine to complement and strengthen their vocal practice, ensuring long-term health and performance sustainability.
Ms. Obert will share her fascinating research with practical applications for singers to understand how to use the pharyngeal constrictors and tongue to shape their sound and make singing easier
The balance between dark and bright, or low and high-frequency energy, shapes our perception of a sung tone's style, function, and quality. By connecting research on vibrotactile awareness to common singing experiences, we can better understand the sensations involved in singing. Recognizing the overlapping yet distinct mechanisms, strengths, and limitations of both vibrotactile and auditory awareness helps us discern how we experience singing through touch and hearing. Since these senses are closely related, knowing that we can feel low frequencies better than we can hear them, and hear high frequencies we cannot feel, enhances our listening and teaching strategies in voice instruction.
It has been almost 170 years since Manual García introduced the laryngoscope to the Royal Society of Science in London in 1855, thereby ushering in the age of science-informed voice pedagogy in much of the Western world. Lynn Helding will trace the evolution of science-informed voice pedagogy from its inception to the present day, in hope that considering pedagogy through a historical lens will elucidate the current state of the field as well as its continuing challenges and promise for the future.
TIME | Chamber Room | Singart room 1.31 | Singart room 1.32 | Rhythmics hall (ground floor) | Orchestra hall (ground floor) |
9:00-9:45 | Registration of participants and speakers | ||||
9:45 | START of the Seminars – President Dominika Płonka | ||||
10:00-11:30 | Lecture – Dr Ron Morris Accent Method Breathing for Singers and Singing Teachers | 10:00-13:00 Individual Lessons Juliet Russell
4 lessons of 45 min | |||
11:30-11:45 | break | ||||
11:45-13:15 | Masterclass – Dr Ron Morris | ||||
13:15-14:45 | lunch break | ||||
14:45-16:15 | Teacher training – Juliet Russell Artist-centred coaching for the contemporary pop vocalist | 14:45-18:30 Individual lessons Ron Morris
5 lessons of 45 min | |||
16:15-17:30 | Neurorytmika – Grażyna Dzwonowska – lecture in Polish | ||||
17:30-18:00 | break | ||||
18:00-19:30 | Masterclass – Juliet Russell | ||||
20:00-20:30 | time for joint activity for those interested, e.g. jam session or dinner |
TIME UPC+1 | Chamber Hall (3rd floor) | Singart room 1.31 | Rhythmics hall (ground floor) | Orchestra hall (ground floor) | |
9:00-9:30 | Registration of participants and speakers | ||||
9:30-10:15 | Wacław Petryński – lecture in Polish | 9:30-11:00 Individual lessons? Ron Morris? | |||
10:15-10:45 | break | ||||
10:45-11:55 | Juliet Russell – workshop for GROUPS 3 and 4 | GROUP 1: Ron Morris – workshop | GRUPA 2: Feldenkrais workshop – Aldona Chróściewicz in Polish | ||
12:00-13:10 | GROUP 2: | GRUPA 1: Feldenkrais workshop- Aldona Chróściewicz in Polish | |||
13:10-15:00 | lunch break | ||||
15:00-16:10 | Juliet Russell – workshop for GROUPS 1 and 2 | GROUP 3 (hopefully entirely) in English: Ron Morris – workshop | GRUPA 4: Feldenkrais workshop – Aldona Chróściewicz in Polish | ||
16:15-17:25 | GROUP 4 (hopefully entirely) in English: Ron Morris – workshop | GRUPA 3: Feldenkrais workshop – Aldona Chróściewicz in Polish | |||
17:35-17:45 | break | ||||
17:45-18:30 | Summary and eventual Q&A with Ron and Juliet | ||||
18:20 | Conclusion |
PRICES | EARLY BIRDtill October 6th | REGULAR PRICEafter October 6th(registration is open till November 6th) |
ONLINE2 days + video recordings | 580,00 zł | 790,00 zł |
LIVE in Gliwice2 days + video recordings | SOLD OUT | SOLD OUT |
Package ONLINE + LIVE4 days+ video recordings | SOLD OUT | SOLD OUT |
Ron Morris – closed individual lesson45 minRegistration by e-mail at: lekcje@mix.org.pl until places are filled | 280 zł | 280 zł |
Juliet Russell – closed individual lesson45 minRegistration by e-mail at: lekcje@mix.org.pl until places are filled | 355 zł | 355 zł |
Anne-Marie has been working as a voice and singing teacher, accent and acting coach for over 30 years. Based in London, she works internationally presenting courses in Estill Voice Training online and in person and its application to singing and speaking in a very wide range of styles and genres.
She is much in demand to provide vocal support to actors and singers in the West End, in film and TV and to singers working in pop and rock.
Recent projects include Back to Black, (the Amy Winehouse biopic directed by Sam Taylor-Johnson), Wicked directed by John Chu, the West End revival of Guys and Dolls (directed by Sir Nicholas Hytner), Mrs Doubtfire (West End) to name a few.
She is also still teaching at the Royal Academy of Music on the musical theatre course teaching actor’s voice, a position she has held since first invited to teach by the course founder, Mary Hammond in 1994.
Dr. Trineice Robinson-Martin is a multifaceted talent in the world of music, renowned for her contributions as a vocalist, arranger, scholar, clinician, and educator. The creator of the Soul
Ingredients®, Dr. Trineice is dedicated to the performance and voice pedagogy of Black
American music styles. Dr. Trineice is the executive director of the African American Jazz Caucus, board vice president for the Jazz Education Network, editorial board member for the Journal of Singing, and a member of the distinguished American Academy of Teachers of Singing.
Her career is marked by a commitment to both performing and developing innovative resources for vocal instruction. Her scholarly work includes the book “So You Want to Sing Gospel,” and numerous contributions to textbooks, peer-reviewed journals, and trade magazines. She is a sought-after keynote speaker and master class instructor, having shared her knowledge at prestigious institutions globally.
As a performer, Dr. Trineice maintains a diverse schedule. She has been lauded by New York Music Daily as “an individualist who defies categorization: there’s the immediacy of classic soul music here, coupled with jazz sophistication, gospel rapture, and fervor.” Her debut album, “All Or Nothing,” showcases her dedication to Black American music and culture and features acclaimed artists such as Cyrus Chestnut and Don Braden.
Recently named Chair of the Ensemble Dept at Berklee College of Music, Dr. Trineice has been a faculty member at Princeton University for over a decade, where she taught private voice lessons, directed the Jazz Vocal Collective Ensemble, and lectured on African American music and voice pedagogy. She also held an annual residency at Yale University’s Institute for Sacred Music, teaching in the Music in the Black Church Program. For more information visit www.drtrineice.com.
Dr Jenevora Williams is an expert in the fields of vocal health and singing teaching. After a successful career in Opera, Jenevora turned her attention to investigating healthy and efficient vocal function. The combination of academic study and practical experience has resulted in a unique perception for understanding the human voice. She was the first singing teacher to be awarded a PhD in voice science in the UK, and won the 2010 BVA Van Lawrence Prize for her outstanding contribution to voice research. Her book, Teaching Singing to Children and Young Adults, has been enormously popular with singing teachers throughout the world. She is well-known for her imaginative and rigorous international training courses for singing teachers and voice professionals. She now runs Vocal Health Education and Evolving Voice, training the first generation of Voice Rehabilitation Specialists worldwide. As a teacher of singing, she works with professional singers of all ages in both voice rehabilitation and career mentoring
Facylitatorka holistycznej pracy głosem, Pedagog śpiewu, Terapeutka manualna krtani, muzyk, wokalistka, neurologopedka, trener, szkoleniowiec. Prowadzi wokalistów, aktorów, lektorów, przywracając im pełnię brzmienia, wspiera czynnych zawodowo artystów i ludzi biznesu w doskonaleniu wystąpień publicznych. Leczy i rehabilituje głosy osób ze zmianami strukturalnymi w obrębie krtani, po interwencjach chirurgicznych, z doświadczeniem traumy oraz z trudnościami na poziomie psychosomatycznym. Jest absolwentką wydziału wokalno-aktorskiego warszawskiego Uniwersytetu Muzycznego imp. F.Chopina, oraz neurologoedą. Wzięła udział w wielu kursach muzycznych z zakresu wykonawstwa i techniki pracy głosem i stale szkoli się, zgłębiając różnorodne podejścia, metody i techniki pracy z zakresu fizjoterapii, osteopatii, logopedii. Od ponad 20 lat wspiera ludzi w odkrywaniu i rozwijaniu ich wewnętrznego potencjału poprzez świadome używanie głosu i technik oddechowych. Jej podejście łączy elementy pedagogiki wokalnej, terapii manualnej, rehabilitacji głosu, technik mindfulness, wsparcia emocjonalnego oraz tradycyjnych metod oddechowych, tworząc unikalną i skuteczną metodykę pracy z ciałem, umysłem i duszą. Zdobyła bogate doświadczenie sceniczne jako śpiewaczka występując jako solistka i członek zespołów na scenach Polski i za granicą. Jako pedagog i terapeuta ma za sobą tysiące godzin zajęć indywidualnych, liczne warsztaty, szkolenia oraz wykłady. Współpracowała z centrami zdrowia holistycznego, poradniami specjalistycznymi, placówkami artystycznymi i uczelniami wyższymi. W 2013 roku założyła i prowadzi Pure Voice - Studio Holistycznego Głosu, w którym wraz ze swoim zespołem specjalistów może na większą skalę zagwarantować wsparcie dla osób doświadczających trudności z głosem i wspierać osoby na różnym poziomie zaawansowania i zróżnicowania potrzeb. Maja wierzy, że głos i oddech są kluczowymi narzędziami do osiągnięcia harmonii ciała i umysłu. Jej holistyczne podejście łączy tradycyjne techniki starożytne z nowoczesnymi metodami terapeutycznymi, tworząc przestrzeń do głębokiej transformacji i uzdrawiania.
Robert T. Sataloff, MD, DMA, FACS is Professor and Chair, Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery and Senior Associate Dean for Clinical Academic Specialties, Drexel University College of Medicine. He also holds Adjunct Professorships in the Departments of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at Thomas Jefferson University and the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine; and he is on the faculty of the Academy of Vocal Arts. He serves as Conductor of the Thomas Jefferson University Choir. Dr. Sataloff is also a professional singer and singing teacher. He holds an undergraduate degree from Haverford College in Music Theory and Composition; graduated from Jefferson Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University; received a Doctor of Musical Arts in Voice Performance from Combs College of Music; and he completed Residency in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery and a Fellowship in Otology, Neurotology and Skull Base Surgery at the University of Michigan. Dr. Sataloff is Chair of the Boards of Directors of the Voice Foundation and of the American Institute for Voice and Ear Research. He also has served as Chair of the Board of Governors of Graduate Hospital; President of the American Laryngological Association, the International Association of Phonosurgery, the Pennsylvania Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, and the American Society of Geriatric Otolaryngology, Vice President of the Eastern Section of the Triological Society, and in numerous other leadership positions. Dr. Sataloff is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Voice; Editor Emeritus of Ear, Nose and Throat Journal; Associate Editor of the Journal of Singing; on the Editorial Board of Medical Problems of Performing Artists and is an editorial reviewer for numerous otolaryngology journals. He is a member of the Editorial Panel of the AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment. Dr. Sataloff has written over 1,000 publications including 76 books, and he has been awarded more than $5 million in research funding. His h-index is 47 (as of March 2024). He has invented more than 75 laryngeal microsurgical instruments distributed currently by Integra Medical, ossicular replacement prostheses produced by Grace Medical, and a novel laryngeal prosthesis (patent pending). He holds patents on a unique thyroplasty implant. His medical practice is limited to care of the professional voice and to otology/neurotology/skull base surgery. Dr. Sataloff has developed numerous novel surgical procedures including total temporal bone resection for formerly untreatable skull base malignancy, laryngeal microflap and mini-microflap procedures, vocal fold lipoinjection, vocal fold lipoimplantation, and others. Dr. Sataloff is recognized as one of the founders of the field of voice, having written the first modern comprehensive article on care of singers, and the first chapter and book on care of the professional voice, as well as having influenced the evolution of the field through his own efforts and through the Voice Foundation for over 4 decades. Dr. Sataloff has been recognized by Best Doctors in America (Woodward White Athens) every year since 1992, Philadelphia Magazine since 1997, and Castle Connolly’s “America’s Top Doctors” since 2002.
Specjalista audiolog i foniatra. Zawodowo związana z Kliniką Audiologii i Foniatrii Instytutu Fizjologii i Patologii Słuchu i Centrum Głosu dla Profesjonalistów w Warszawie. Jej praca kliniczna i naukowa koncentruje się na zaburzeniach głosu. Jej główne zainteresowania to parametryzacja funkcji głośni za pomocą obrazowania fali śluzówkowej oraz neurofizjologia kliniczna krtani. Jest autorką i współautorką ponad pięćdziesięciu recenzowanych artykułów w czasopismach i rozdziałów w książkach. Od lat czynnie uczestniczy w konferencjach krajowych i zagranicznych. Jest recenzentem międzynarodowych czasopism naukowych. Zajmuje się również dydaktyką w zakresie szkoleń dla lekarzy i studentów. Jest członkiem krajowych i zagranicznych towarzystw naukowych. Działa jako członek Phoniatrics Committee International Association of Communication Sciences and Disorders (IALP) oraz Union of European Phoniatricians (UEP).
Gláucia Laís Salomão is a voice researcher at Stockholm University Brain Imaging Center (SUBIC) and a lecturer in the Department of Linguistics at Stockholm University. At SUBIC, she is the principal investigator and coordinator of two research projects: “Listening to others' emotions: neural representations of empathy arising from emotional voices,” funded by the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation (Riksbankjubileum); and “Shaping Emotional Voices. Vocal-tract configurations during expressive vocalizations,” funded by SUBIC.
She holds a PhD in Linguistics (Phonetics/Acoustics) and has a background in Music, and Speech and Language Pathology. She completed her doctoral studies in collaboration with the Department of Speech, Music, and Hearing at the Royal Institute of Technology (TMH-KTH), Sweden, under the supervision of Prof. Johan Sundberg, with financial support from the Brazilian Ministry of Education. Following this, she worked as a researcher on several human voice projects, both at KTH and in collaboration with other European universities.
She serves as a reviewer and member of the editorial board for various scientific journals. She translated the book “Röstlära” (Voice Science) by Johan Sundberg (published by EDUSP, the University of São Paulo Press in Brazil) from Swedish into Portuguese.
Kerrie Obert is an internationally acclaimed speech language pathologist and singing voice specialist from the USA. She is the founder of Obert Voice Studios (OVS), who has worked with Grammy-winning vocalists and Broadway performers. Additionally, she is a certified speech language pathologist who's performed over 20,000 endoscopies and conducted ground-breaking MRI research, leading to the development of practice and training tools OVS clients use to help them reach their goals. Ms. Obert is known for her research on how changes in the shape of the pharynx impact timbre. Part scientist and part performer, Obert’s unique perspective on singing and the voice has always included a combination of research and clinical practice in conjunction with onstage experience. After completing her M.A. in speech-language pathology at The Ohio State University (OSU), Obert joined their clinical staff and worked alongside some of the top laryngologists in the country, performing thousands of endoscopies, and collaborating in research as a part of the voice and swallowing disorders division. She helped launch the singing health specialization at OSU and served as the director of medical arts for the program. As Obert transitioned from full-time clinical work to adjunct status to expand her private studio, she began traveling extensively as an invited lecturer, helping clients achieve their singing and teaching goals. As a performer, Obert sang in bands, music directed stage productions, conducted choirs, and worked as a soloist. While maintaining a private studio, she taught contemporary commercial voice at Capital University Music Conservatory in Columbus, Ohio, coaching students through the challenges that come with performing live and in recordings. She continues to collaborate on several research projects with the OSU Department of Otolaryngology and Speech and Hearing Science and is noted for her groundbreaking discoveries on twang quality and tongue root. Her research has included collaborations in Japan, Greece, and across the United States. She is published in peer-reviewed journals such as Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology, The Cleft Palate Craniofacial Journal, and Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, and has co-authored four books on voice, including The Owner’s Manual to The Voice. A frequent public speaker, she gave the keynote address for the 2019 Voice Geek Conference in Colchester, England, and was a featured guest for the National Association of Teachers of Singing’s NATS Chat.
Magister sztuki aktorskiej, magister dziennikarstwa, doktor nauk społecznych w dyscyplinie pedagogika, dyplomowany nauczyciel emisji głosu.
Po ukończeniu studiów pracowała jako aktorka teatralna i filmowa. W późniejszych latach podjęła pracę wykładowcy akademickiego. Na co dzień stara się łączyć doświadczenia płynące z wieloletniego, równoległego wykonywania zawodu aktora i pedagoga, wykorzystując doświadczenia aktorskie, w praktyce pedagogicznej. Czerpie inspiracje z różnorodnych metod pracy nad głosem (Estill Voice Training, metoda Linklater, metoda Alexandra, metoda Feldenkraisa).
Efektywna praca nad emisją głosu w mowie, w kontekście zajęć proponowanych w ramach studiów pedagogicznych i nauczycielskich, jest głównym obszarem jej poszukiwań naukowych.
Absolwentka Państwowej Szkoły Muzycznej w Gliwicach (śpiew), Akademii Muzycznej w Katowicach (teoria muzyki, muzykoterapia), doktor nauk społecznych (pedagogika). Wykładowczyni akademicka na kierunkach Arteterapia (Uniwersytet Śląski) i Muzykoterapia (Akademia Muzyczna w Katowicach). Stypendystka Ministra Kultury za rok 2004, finalistka projektu „Miejsca pracy w kulturze” (2006), finalistka konkursu Nauczyciel Muzyki 2016 i laureatka nagrody specjalnej portalu Muzykoteka Szkolna, kilkukrotna laureatka gliwickiej nagrody Zwiastuny Talentu (jako nauczycielka/instruktorka). Współzałożycielka i członkini zarządu Stowarzyszenia Wokalistów MIX, wieloletnia nauczycielka śpiewu, instruktorka dziecięcych i młodzieżowych zespołów wokalnych, propagująca ideę bezpiecznego, wszechstronnego i skutecznego kształcenia głosu zgodnie z założeniami metod mix singing i flow phonation. Swój warsztat nauczycielski buduje w oparciu o wiedzę czerpaną od światowej sławy autorytetów w dziedzinie wokologii i pedagogiki wokalnej. Od lat bierze udział w warsztatach i konferencjach poświęconych metodyce nauczania, technice i stylistyce śpiewu. Szkoliła się pod kierunkiem Deana Kaelina, Rocio Guitard, dr Huberta Noe, Mary Ann Kehler, Kim Chandler, Daniela Zangger-Borcha, Melissy Cross, Johna Henny`ego, a także polskich nauczycieli – m.in. Dominiki Płonki i Pauliny Kujawskiej. Pasjonatka psychologii muzyki, neuroestetyki i neurodydaktyki.
Dr. Chadley Ballantyne frequently presents nationally and internationally on the application of acoustic vocal pedagogy for both classical and contemporary vocal techniques. He has presented his work at notable conferences, including the 2017 Pan-American Vocology Association Symposium in Toronto, the 55th NATS National Conference in Las Vegas, the VASTA/PAVA 2018 Joint Conference in Seattle, the National Opera Association 2020 Southeast Regional Conference, the 56th NATS National Virtual Conference, the 57th NATS National Conference in Chicago, the 2023 and 2024 Voice Foundation Symposiums in Philadelphia, and the 58th NATS National Conference in Knoxville. He co-instructs at the Acoustic Vocal Pedagogy Summer Workshop currently held online and at the University of Michigan. Chadley is a contributing author to The Evolving Singing Voice: Changes Across the Lifespan, The Vocal Athlete: Application and Technique for the Hybrid Singer (3rd Edition), and an upcoming contribution to The Oxford Handbook of Singing (2nd Edition). Dr. Ballantyne is a member of the voice faculty at Stetson University and currently serves as the coordinator for the voice area. He has previously taught at the University of Northern Colorado, the Theatre Conservatory of the Chicago College of Performing Arts at Roosevelt University, and North Park University. Ballantyne holds a Bachelor of Music degree from Drake University, and both a Master of Music degree and a Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the University of Illinois.
Inżynier, naukowiec, żeglarz, absolwent Politechniki Wrocławskiej, doktor nauk o kulturze fizycznej, instruktor – wykładowca Polskiego Związku Żeglarskiego. Pracuje w Akademii Górnośląskiej jako adiunkt. Główny obszar zainteresowań naukowych Wacława Petryńskiego to kinezjologia – nauka o zachowaniach ruchowych człowieka, a ściślej – „górne piętro" kinezjologii, czyli antropokinetyka, wiążąca zagadnienia psychologiczne i neurofizjologiczne. „Dolne piętro" – to biomechanika, czyli pogranicze fizjologii i fizyki. Wacław Petryński jest autorem kilkudziesięciu prac z dziedziny antropokinetyki, między innymi wydanej w USA książki Motor Control in Humans. A System-Theoretical Approach. Żonaty, ojciec trójki dzieci i dziadek ośmiorga wnucząt.
Pracuje w Instytucie Fizjologii i Patologii Słuchu w Kajetanach. W swojej działalności klinicznej i naukowej koncentruje się na zaburzeniach głosu, zarówno w aspekcie diagnostycznym jak i terapeutycznym. Od kilkunastu lat rozwija fonochirurgię w Światowym Centrum Słuchu. W Polsce jest pionierką w zakresie zabiegów laryngoplastyki iniekcyjnej. Jest autorką i współautorką licznych publikacji oraz rozdziałów w monografiach. W zakresie działalności dydaktycznej jest wykładowcą oraz kierownikiem kursów specjalizacyjnych i doskonalących. W latach 2011-2020 wykładowca na Uniwersytecie Humanistyczno-Społecznym Wyższej Szkole Psychologii Społecznej w Warszawie. Członkini polskich i europejskich towarzystw naukowych: Polskiego Towarzystwa Otorynolaryngologów Chirurgów Głowy i Szyi, Sekcji Audiologicznej i Sekcji Foniatrycznej PTORLChGiSz, Europejskiego Towarzystwa Laryngologicznego oraz Unii Europejskich Foniatrów.
Lynn Helding, voice teacher and editor-in-chief of the Journal of Singing, is the author of The Musician's Mind: Teaching, Learning and Performance in the Age of Brain Science, deemed “Essential” by CHOICE Magazine, “a unique and outstanding contribution to pedagogy" by Voice and Speech Review and “ground-breaking ... [and] an invaluable contribution to the field of music pedagogy” by Renée Fleming. Her pedagogy honors include the 2005 Van Lawrence Voice Fellowship, membership in the prestigious American Academy of Teachers of Singing, and recognition as a “legendary figure in the field of voice pedagogy” by the Contemporary Commercial Music Vocal Pedagogy Institute at Shenandoah University, receiving their 2020 Lifetime Achievement Award. A committed teacher, Helding is a co-founder of the new NATS Science-Informed Voice Pedagogy Institute. Her stage credits include leading roles in opera, oratorio and musical theatre, and recitals featuring commissioned works and contemporary American music performed on multiple tours throughout the United States, Australia, England, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Iceland where her performances were broadcast on Icelandic National Radio. She is Professor of Voice in Vocal Arts and Opera and coordinator of Vocology and Voice Pedagogy at the University of Southern California Thornton School of Music. www.lynnhelding.com
Juliet is a music creative who specialises in contemporary pop vocals. A natural collaborator, Juliet’s goal is to support singers in creating outstanding vocal performances for TV, recording, touring, live shows and festivals. Most recently she was creative director for Kool & The Gang’s Las Vegas residency. She has collaborated with Grammy, BRiT, Emmy, MOBO and MTV Europe award winning artists. Specialising in contemporary pop vocals and performance, Juliet is the vocal coach on BAFTA awards winning TV shows including The Voice and Michael McIntyre’s Big Show in the UK, and singing shows for Netflix and Apple TV in the US. Combining a practical understanding of vocal anatomy, holistic approaches to mind, body and breath, creative learning strategies, and a knowledge of contemporary vocal styles, Juliet is committed to the development and expression of each singer’s individual artistry. Embracing that every singer is unique, her approach to vocal and performance coaching is artist-centred, rooted in person-centred coaching and trusting in the innate knowledge and value that each singer brings. Juliet has developed a series of vocal exercises and approaches to equip the contemporary singer with the skills they need to stay healthy, authentic and agile within today’s music industry.
Feldenkrais method practitioner, physician, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) therapist, founder of the “Your Friendly Place” project (przyjaznetwojemiejsce.com.pl). She completed professional training in the Feldenkrais method (2008-2012). Since then, she has been constantly developing and training, deepening her knowledge about the possibilities of using the Feldenkrais method. She works with groups and individually, and for several years she has been exploring the possibilities of enriching and facilitating vocal training with the elements of the Feldenkrais method.
She has always been interested in the relationship of body and mind, thus she began medical studies, during which she became interested in and took up manual therapy, which led her to the Feldenkrais method, then to NLP, and finally to pediatrics.
She is fascinated by everything related to the brain, searching, changing, developing, transforming, consciousness, perception, words and pushing the boundaries of what is possible. And all of this is included in the definition of neuroplasticity of the brain.
Prof. Agata Szkiełkowska (otolaryngolog, foniatra, audiolog oraz Kierowniczka Filii Medincus w Warszawie), Dr Miaśkiewicz (otolaryngolog, foniatra i audiolog) oraz dr Paulina Krasnodębska (foniatra i audiolog) opiekują się na co dzień osobami, które zawodowo używają głosu. Poza gabinetem lekarskim prowadzą również ożywioną działalność naukową, badawczą oraz publicystyczną.
Dr. Ron Morris, Speech Therapist, Audiologist and Counter-Tenor, initially graduated from the University of Queensland in 1985 with an Honours degree in Speech Therapy. Ron also holds a Performer’s Certificate from Trinity College London and in 2001 he completed a Masters of Music Studies (Vocal Performance) at the Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University where he studied with Ms Margaret Schindler. As part of that degree Ron undertook additional vocal studies in London with Mrs Janice Chapman OAM as well as studying Accent Method Breathing with Ms Dinah Harris and Mrs Ingrid Rugheimer. Ron was awarded a PhD for a study examining the use of Accent Method Breathing with singers.
Ron is in demand both nationally and internationally as a speaker at conferences, workshops and summer schools having presented on numerous occasions for the British Voice Association, to the Pan European Voice Conference (PEVOC), the Australian Voice Association (AVA), the Australian National Association of Teachers of Singing (ANATS) and to the Association of Teachers of Singing (AOTOS) in the UK. Ron has been a guest tutor at the Aberystwyth Music Fest and Summer School as well as working with choristers from St Paul’s Cathedral London, Canterbury Cathedral and King’s College Cambridge. Ron also works annually within the Vocal Department at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, The Royal Academy of Music and The Royal Northern College of Music where his work is focussed on breathing, articulation and vocal pedagogy. He is currently the Senior Lecturer in Vocal Pedagogy and Health at the Queensland Conservatorium of Music Griffith University. He is the co-author of the book If in Doubt, Breathe out! - Breathing and Support Based on the Accent Method and the internationally acclaimed Janice Chapman’s book Singing and Teaching Singing: A Holistic Approach to Classical Voice (4th ed., 2023).
Duncan Rock is an operatic baritone recognized for his performances on notable international stages and his dedication to supporting performers’ health through his expertise in nutrition and physiotherapy. Originally from Australia, Rock has gained recognition for his vocal ability and expressive interpretation, performing roles with major opera companies such as the Metropolitan Opera (New York), The Royal Opera House (London), English National Opera, and Glyndebourne Festival Opera. His repertoire includes roles such as Don Giovanni in Mozart’s Don Giovanni, Papageno in The Magic Flute, Marcello in Puccini’s La Bohème, and Tarquinius in Britten’s The Rape of Lucretia. In addition to his operatic career, Rock is also a qualified nutritionist and physiotherapist, with a particular focus on promoting the well-being of performers. His understanding of the physical demands placed on singers and musicians allows him to provide tailored advice and support, helping them to sustain their health and performance. Duncan Rock’s commitment to both his craft and the science of health highlights his passion for fostering balance between artistic excellence and physical well-being. Whether on stage or in a clinical setting, he contributes meaningfully to both the opera world and the broader performing arts community. His work continues to support performers in maintaining long, healthy, and fulfilling careers.
Lekarz otolaryngolog, audiolog i foniatra. Kierownik Kliniki Audiologii i Foniatrii Instytutu Fizjologii i Patologii Słuchu w Warszawie, adiunkt w UM im. F. Chopina w Warszawie (w latach 2003-2018). Konsultant Wojewódzki na Mazowszu w dziedzinie Audiologii i Foniatrii. Wykładowca oraz członek Państwowej Komisji Egzaminacyjnej z dziedziny Audiologii i Foniatrii oraz Neurologopedii. Uczestniczy w realizacji projektów naukowo-badawczych z dziedziny patofizjologii procesu komunikatywnego oraz w pracy dydaktycznej w zakresie szkolenia lekarzy, studentów i specjalistów dyscyplin pokrewnych. Jest wykładowcą na kierunku Logopedia z audiologią oraz podyplomowym Studium Surdologopedia. Od wielu lat jest kierownikiem specjalizacji lekarzy szkolących się w dziedzinie Audiologii i Foniatrii oraz kierownikiem kursów specjalizacyjnych organizowanych dla lekarzy specjalizujących się w zakresie Audiologii i Foniatrii oraz kursów doszkalających dla otolaryngologów, logopedów, psychologów i pedagogów. Autorka i współautorka licznych publikacji medycznych o zasięgu krajowym i międzynarodowym oraz autor monografii. Członkini wielu Towarzystw Naukowych w kraju i zagranicą między innymi Polskiego Towarzystwa Otolaryngologów Chirurgów Głowy i Szyi, Polskiego Towarzystwa Audiologiczno-Foniatrycznego oraz członkini Union of the European Phoniatricians oraz członkiem wielu zespołów eksperckich. Klinicznie zaangażowana w opracowywanie programów i wielu autorskich procedur wdrożeniowych dla pacjentów z zaburzeniami głosu, mowy i słuchu, między innymi programu dla pacjentów z zaburzeniami płynności mowy, programu dla pacjentów zawodowo posługujących się głosem oraz opieki nad dziećmi z zaburzeniami procesu komunikatywnego. Jest autorem książki „Emisji głosu” oraz podstaw programowych i organizatorką kursów w tym obszarze, afiliowanych przez Uniwersytet Muzyczny dla środowisk zawodowych wykorzystujących głos jako narzędzie swojej pracy. Wyróżniona za pracę dydaktyczną Nagrodą Rektora Akademii Medycznej w Warszawie oraz za osiągnięcia w pracy zawodowej przez Ministra Zdrowia za zasługi dla Ochrony Zdrowia oraz Nagrodą Zespołową I st. Ministra Zdrowia za opracowanie i wdrożenie systemu powszechnych badań przesiewowych uszkodzeń słuchu „Słyszę”. Odznaczona przez Prezydenta Rzeczypospolitej Srebrnym, a następnie w 2011 rok, Złotym Krzyżem Zasługi.
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