Dominika Plonka - President of the MIX Vocal Teachers Association will share her memories and experiences of the Association's 10 years of activity in Poland, which has been educating hundreds of voice teachers and has organized a number of knowledge-filled events for the last decade.
One of the founders of the Brazilian Association of Voice Teachers PROCANTO will talk about the voice overdrive and how it can be used in various musical genres - from folk through metal to classical. Welcome Mauro Fiuza, a close associate of Johan Sundberg!
You will be introduced to awareness through movement using the Feldenkrais method and engaging our whole selves while singing, by US-based singer, university lecturer and author of numerous books on voice - Dr. Elizabeth Blades.
What is the real impact of tongue work on our voice and how to use it to your advantage in the context of vocal technique? The research, visual presentations and practical exercises given by Angelika Nair are cutting-edge and backed by years of research - see for yourself!
You will learn an extremely effective method in the rehabilitation of voice disorders in children and adults called NOVA-Vox. It will be presented by a speech therapist, MFT therapist, university lecturer and vocalist - Kamil Jaros
Interested in how to properly fine-tune your vocal instrument to switch between musical theatre, rock, opera and pop? That's what you'll learn from one of the leading singing teachers of CCM and musical theatre in the US - Matt Edwards!
You will learn how to diagnose problems in a student's voice and how to design training that allows them to develop their technical and artistic skills from the American vocalist and voice teacher, the winner of the prestigious Van. L. Lawrence Award and NATS Development Committee Chairwoman - Kari Ragan.
What can we learn about the larynx from the absence thereof? - this intriguing question will be answered by Dominika Kozlowska-Wojnar - a neurological and oncological speech therapist, expert in voice rehabilitation after head and neck cancer treatment.
Jan G. Svec, a world-renowned Czech physicist who conducts research on the formation of the human voice, will explain the method of visualizing laryngeal vibrations in kymographic imaging
How to prepare for frenectomy and how to take care of yourself after the procedure from a speech therapist's perspective? Dr. Agnieszka Jarzyńska-Bućko, a neurologist and university lecturer, will guide us through this problem.
Mentor teacher and author of the Born 2 Sing Kids program and NATS Joan Frey Boytim Award winner Dana Lentini will talk about the importance of choosing the right voice teaching methodology for the youngest singers.
How to deal with the problem of a raised larynx? We will learn about various concepts and methods to deal with this limitation thanks to Walt Fritz - a world-renowned physiotherapist from the USA.
Want to learn what the twang is and how to apply it to singing? Andy Follin, an Estill method coach with over 20 years of experience, will answer this question. In addition, he will conduct individual lessons and 3 Masterclass workshops sharing his teaching methods with us!
Can any similarities be found between the work of a psychotherapist and a voice coach? Learn it from the psychologist and singer- Magdalena Wieczorek.
Speech therapist and singer - Kamil Jaros, whom we will also host during the online part, will explain how to apply the NOVA-Vox method in practice during vocal classes for children.
Want to learn the secrets of relaxation and tension release? You can do it in a workshop with Monika Jakubowska, who uses movement as a therapeutic tool.
Joanna Weir will help you free your voice using Kristin Linklater's world-renowned method. We learn from the best!
Choral sound is something extraordinary, isn't it? What is the reason for the uniqueness of ensemble singing expression? The secrets of gospel music will be revealed to us by Daniel Cebula-Orynicz - singer, conductor of gospel workshops and musical theatre actor.
Bądź wśród najlepiej poinformowanych wokalistów, pedagogów śpiewu i specjalistów w Polsce i na świecie - dołącz do naszego wydarzenia. Zapraszamy!
Saturday 04/11/2023
During the lecture the following issues will be discussed: definition of distorted singing, its application in different music genres, from folk to metal and classic, physiology of the different types of distortions, how to develop and practice distorted singing as well as distortions and vocal health.
To achieve a healthy phonation, it requires a finely tuned athletic apparatus. A symphony of muscular interaction is needed to produce the desired pitch on command. That is true within various groups of muscles such as the respiratory muscles, the laryngeal muscles, and the tongue muscles.
In this lecture, the audience will be guided through some basic anatomical insights and visual demonstrations of the tongue as well as the entire body structure. Somatic Exercises of various strategies will help the understanding and the application of concepts such as posture ("Tensegrity"), breathing, support, and the modification of the tongue. By working with ultrasound and imagery derived from ultrasound, Angelika Nair has found a regimen of exercises combined with step-by-step instructions and pedagogical tools that help accelerate the learning of various vocal strategies (physioacoustic) and improve the multitudinous challenges of sensory awareness, flexibility and control within the tongue.
The results of a study confirming the effectiveness of the NOVA-Vox method in the development of children's voice production will be presented. Voice diagnostics was carried out according to an interdisciplinary protocol, covering 3 aspects: perceptual, acoustic and endoscopic. The results of measuring stage fright and personality were also included in the analyses. The methodology of vocal classes according to the NOVA-Vox concept will also be outlined.
How does one develop an internal feel for what sounds good? How do you learn to use all of yourself when singing, and what is the relationship between the felt (kinesthetic) sense, effort, and good sound? The Feldenkrais Method is a self-discovery process using movement; its aim is to produce an individual organized to perform with minimum effort and maximum efficiency. During our time together, we will explore fundamentals of the Feldenkrais Method, including how its originator, Moshe Feldenkrais, developed this approach and what constitutes Awareness Through Movement (ATM). This is an interactive lecture which explores the science behind the method, offers experience with several ATM lessons, and presents strategies for application in voice studio lessons.
The focus of this session is to provide strategies for the voice teacher to diagnose vocal challenges and design exercises to develop efficient and artistic singing. This systematic approach provides a clear roadmap for the betterment of in-studio application. Decades of research have provided an organizational template from which to study voice mechanics through five-voice systems: respiration, phonation, registration, articulation, and resonation. Structuring voice lessons through a science-informed systematic template enables singing teachers to build a dependable approach to voice lessons, provides an effective way to identify technical challenges, and creates strategies for developing vocal efficiency. This leads to the ultimate goal of great artistry.
Sunday 05/11/2023
Kymographic imaging is a modern method for displaying and evaluating vibratory behaviour of the vocal folds, which is crucial for voice production. It allows visualizing the vibrations in a single picture and simplifies evaluation of vibrations when compared to watching laryngeal video recordings. In connection with high-speed video cameras, it visualizes vibratory features, which are not simply observable via traditional methods. We will explain the principle of the method and demonstrate its current possibilities for better understanding the laryngeal vibrations in singing as well as for more advanced diagnosis of functional voice disorders.
"What does it mean for the larynx to be missing?"
Treatment of head and neck cancers can save a patient's life, but it has a significant impact on their quality of life and recovery. Depending on the stage of the cancer, treatment decisions are made to remove the tumor, but they will greatly affect the functioning of the affected organs.
This leads to difficulties in swallowing, breathing, proper articulation of sounds, as well as in the correct emission of the voice or even the complete loss of voice. There are anatomical changes in the face, mouth, pharynx or larynx, as well as disorders of sensation and mobility of soft tissues of adjacent organs. After such treatment, patients require comprehensive rehabilitation, both physiotherapeutic and speech therapy, which should start even before the treatment on the ward and continue throughout the entire treatment period and beyond.
Although the frenulum of the tongue is increasingly described in the speech therapy literature, most publications do not refer to evidence-based practice, and their authors do not formulate conclusions without proposing practical-implementation implications. The presentation will organize the knowledge on ankyloglossia, available in the Polish and foreign-language literature, verify the views of the authors, and develop conclusions that can be a point for further research - the development of a standard of speechopedic management for the treatment of ankyloglossia - preparation of the patient for frenulotomy and postoperative care in the perspective of speechopedic care.
Transitioning from classical to musical theatre or commercial styles necessitates a recalibration of your vocal instrument. Once you've achieved mastery over factors like registration, vowel quality, and intensity, you can merge this newfound flexibility with stylistic techniques to unlock a whole new world of music. Most importantly, this evidence-based approach helps singers maintain their vocal health giving them longevity to grow as artists.
While children have their own unique vocal mechanism and style for learning to sing, the concepts and techniques that are most effective for working with children are rarely taught in pedagogy courses and workshops. Attendees will develop a better understanding of why learning teaching methods specifically for children is important. They will also learn about the physical, mental, and emotional development of children evolving through childhood into early adolescence. Lesson strategies for effective, age-appropriate training will also be addressed.
An elevated larynx posture has long been considered problematic for effective voicing, and many pedagogical and therapeutic models have been developed to combat this condition. How strong is the evidence that permanent posturing of the larynx is attainable? If any lasting height changes are not attained, what mechanisms might be at play that create lasting changes in voice quality? In this workshop, we will explore these concepts and engage the participant in touch-based methods for the remediation of laryngeal range limitations.
GODZINY | Sala kameralna / koncertowa w PSM | Singart sala -1.31 | Singart sala -1.32 | PSM – Sala do rytmiki 1 | PSM – Sala do rytmiki 2 |
9:00-9:45 | rejestracja uczestników | ||||
9:45 | Dominika Płonka – Rozpoczęcie Seminariów | ||||
10:00-11:30 | Andrew Follin WYKŁAD Twang – jak go wydobyć i stosować w głosie? Czym jest Twang? Czy różni się od Ring i Squillo? Jak powstaje Twang i jak zastosować go w naszym śpiewie? | ||||
11:30-11:45 | przerwa | ||||
11:45-13:15 | Andrew Follin – Masterclass 1 | dr Barbara Sambor – konsultacje indywidualne 30 min | |||
13:15-14:30 | przerwa obiadowa | ||||
14:45-15:30 | Kamil Jaros WYKŁAD – Metodyka zajęć wokalnych wg metody NOVA-Vox dla dzieci | Andrew Follin – lekcja indywidualna 45 min | |||
15:30-16:00 | przerwa | ||||
16:00-17:30 | 16:00 – 19:00 Andrew Follin – lekcje indywidualne 4 x 45 min | GRUPA 1: Joanna Weir – metoda Kristin Linklater | GRUPA 2: | ||
17:30-19:00 | GRUPA 2: Joanna Weir – metoda Kristin Linklater | GRUPA 1: | |||
19:30 / 20:00 | jam session w Loopa Bistro w Gliwicach |
GODZINY | Sala kameralna / koncertowa w PSM | Singart sala -1.31 | Singart sala -1.32 | Sala do rytmiki w PSM |
9:00-9:30 | rejestracja uczestników | |||
9:30-11:00 | Andrew Follin – Masterclass 2 | dr Barbara Sambor – konsultacje indywidualne 30 min | ||
11:00-11:15 | przerwa | |||
11:15-12:15 | GRUPA 1: Daniel Cebula-Orynicz – GOSPEL W trakcie warsztatów postaramy się zgłębić tajniki muzyki gospel. Skupimy się na elementach dzieła muzycznego, środkach stylistycznych i ekspresji utworów. W sposób praktyczny prześledzimy różnice kształtowania brzmienia oraz artykulacji brzmienia chóralnego. | 11:30 – 13:15 Andrew Follin – lekcje indywidualne 2 x 45 min | GRUPA 2: Joanna Weir – metoda Kristin Linklater | |
12:15-13:15 | GRUPA 2: | GRUPA 1: Joanna Weir – metoda Kristin Linklater | ||
13:15-14:45 | przerwa obiadowa | |||
14:45-15:30 | Magdalena Wieczorek – Praca trenera głosu i psychoterapeuty – podobieństwa i różnice oraz wynikające z nich korzyści i zagrożenia | Andrew Follin – lekcja indywidualna 45 min | ||
15:30-16:00 | przerwa | |||
16:00-17:30 | Andrew Follin – Masterclass 3 | |||
17:30-18:00 | Andrew Follin – Q&A | |||
18:00 | zakończenie i dyskusje |
Author, mentor, teacher, and presenter Dana Lentini helps teachers learn about the unique differences in teaching singing to children and how to build their own successful studios. She is the founder of Born 2 Sing Kids, a voice program designed to empower young singers to explore healthy vocal techniques through a systematic approach.
As a pedagogue with expertise in developing teaching techniques for the young singer, Dana advocates for teaching healthy, age-appropriate vocal technique to children and dispelling myths about teaching singing to kids. She has been sought after as a presenter for professional music organizations including the National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS), the Institute for Vocal Advancement, and universities throughout the US.
In recognition of her excellence in teaching, Dana was a recipient of the NATS Joan Frey Boytim Award for Independent Teachers. As an active NATS member, she has served on steering committees, hosted online talks, and presented a workshop and breakout session at the NATS 2022 National Convention, where she shared her knowledge about teaching the child singer.
Dana's specialized approach to teaching can be found in Teaching the Child Singer: Pediatric Pedagogy for Ages 5-13. She also shares a unique spiral approach to repertoire development in her Singing Kids’ Songbook, both published by Hal Leonard. More information about Dana’s consulting, courses, and resources on teaching children in the private studio are offered through her website at
Singer, author, and voice pedagogue, Kari Ragan holds degrees from the University of Washington (DMA), and Indiana University (MM, BM). In 2012, Dr. Ragan was the recipient of the prestigious Van. L. Lawrence Award. This prestigious award, presented jointly by The Voice Foundation and the National Association of Teachers of Singing, afforded her the opportunity to research cool-down physiology for singers. Dr. Ragan was also the recipient of the NATS Foundation Pedagogy Award (2009), earned the NYSTA Distinguished Voice Professional Certificate (2009), the Wicklund Singing Voice Specialist Certificate (2010), and was selected to be a Master Teacher for the NATS Intern Program (2021). As a singing voice rehabilitation specialist (SVS), Dr. Ragan works in affiliation with the University of Washington Laryngology program to help rehabilitate singers with injured voices. She has maintained a thriving Independent Voice Studio for nearly forty years and served on the voice faculty at the University of Washington teaching Applied Voice, Voice Pedagogy, and more. Dr. Ragan serves as the NATS Advancement Committee Chair and on the NATS/Rowman & Littlefield Editorial Board, and is the moderator of NATS Chats, a national monthly webinar. She is the co-founder and organizer of the Northwest Voice: Art and Science of the Performing Voice Conference, a multi-disciplinary meeting held annually in Seattle, Washington. Plural Publishing released her book A Systematic Approach to Voice: The Art of Studio Application in 2020. Other publications and information can be found at
Walt Fritz is a US-based physical therapist who, for the past decade, has educated speech-language pathologists, vocal teachers, physiotherapists, and others with his unique method of using a gentle, sustained version of manual therapy to remedy voice disorders and related problems. In contrast to traditional laryngeal manipulation, with the clinician tasked as the "expert" and taking on the role of primary decision-maker, Walt's methods work to elevate the input from the client, inviting them to co-create the intervention. His in-person and online workshops guide the learner in using manual therapy for these ends and immerse the learner in applying shared decision-making, a concept that extends beyond manual therapy and can be utilized throughout clinical and pedagogical encounters. His recently published book, "Manual Therapy in Voice and Swallowing: A Person-Centered Approach" is available through Compton Publishing LTD.
Singer, voice coach, psychologist, composer, lyricist and co-founder of the revolutionary folk band Same Suki, with which she has recorded three albums and with whom she has successfully performed at major Polish festivals. She also collaborated as a soloist with the Cracovia Danza court ballet in its production of "The Wedding in Ojcow." Formerly a vocalist of the jazz-rock group Le Blue, with which she recorded the album "Mosaic" in 2009. Since 2017, she has been associated with Voice and More, a voice improvement studio in Warsaw, where she trains vocalists and vocal coaches. She conducts individual classes and workshops. In her work as a voice coach, she uses a variety of techniques and discoveries of contemporary vocal schools, uses knowledge of voice physiology, psychology, physiotherapy enriching it with her stage experience. She graduated with a master's degree in Clinical Social Psychology from SWPS University in 2005 and completed the first degree of psychotherapeutic training in the Solution Focused Therapy stream at the TSR Institute in 2005. In 2005 she earned a diploma from the Vocal Department of the F. Chopin Secondary Music School in Warsaw. She holds trainer's certificates from the European Voice Training Center and Voice and More. Since completing her school education, she has continuously expanded her knowledge by participating in courses, trainings and workshops related to voice development derived from various techniques and scientific fields
Angelika Nair, Ph.D., is a professional singer, Vocologist, voice pedagogue, and owner of Pro Voce LLC, a voice studio providing private vocal instruction and habilitation, in addition to an academic teaching career.
Dr. Nair researches and specializes in the use of voice technology and kinesthesis and pioneered the practical use and implications of ultrasound as both a voice research and biofeedback tool in the voice studio. Using MRI, Ultrasound and spectrographic techniques, she has conducted groundbreaking research investigating the physiology of the Low Mandible Maneuver (drop of the posterior mandible) and its ramifications for resonance production, as well as the rehabituation of tongue shapes required for all phonemes in high-ranking singers.
Building on these new scientific discoveries, Dr. Nair has developed a regimen of exercises combined with step-by-step instructions and pedagogical tools that help accelerate the learning of various vocal strategies (physioacoustic) and address the multitudinous challenges of sensory awareness, flexibility and control within the tongue.
The critical success of this work has led to her newly released book The Tongue as a Gateway to Voice, Resonance, Style, and Intelligibility (Plural Publishing 2021), publications in peer reviewed journals, 1st Place in the 15th Annual David W. Brewer Award for Best Poster, recipient of the Van Lawrence Award 2020 by the Voice Foundation and NATS as well as presentations worldwide. Dr. Nair teaches voice workshops, master classes, and lectures at music schools, conservatories, and universities both nationally and internationally.
Dr. Nair also maintains an active professional performing career throughout the United States and Europe.
Elizabeth L. Blades holds both Doctor of Musical Arts and Masters of Music degrees from the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, NY, where she was also an Adjunct Assistant Professor, teaching vocal pedagogy. She has most recently been a Visiting Professor of Music at Alfred University, Alfred, NY. Previous appointments were as Adjunct Associate Professor of Voice at Shenandoah University Conservatory in Winchester, VA; Heidelberg University (Tiffin, Ohio) where she served as Associate Professor of Music, Coordinator of Vocal Studies and Director of Opera and; as a Visiting Professor of Music at Nazareth College, Rochester, NY.
Dr. Blades is the author of A Spectrum of Voices: Prominent American Voice Teachers Discuss the Teaching of Singing (Rowman & Littlefield, 2018) as well as co author (with Samuel Nelson) of Singing With Your Whole Self: A Singer’s Guide to Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement (2018). Dr. Blades and Dr. Nelson recently completed their next book, Feldenkrais Method for Instrumentalists: A Guide to Awareness Through Movement, currently in production with Rowman & Littlefield, anticipating autumn 2023 release. Dr. Blades presents national and international workshops to advance understanding of the impact Feldenkrais Method and movement work can have for performance enhancement.
Dr. Blades is an active soprano experienced in many forms of voice performance: opera, oratorio, musical theater, recital and folk/Celtic. She is a Certified CoreSinging™ Teacher and is the Founder/Director of Harmony House On-line Music Studio as well as Vocalhealthworks, dedicated to advancing healthy technique and performance.
Andy Follin is a Certified Estill Master Trainer, and one of the longest serving Estill teachers in the UK, with over 20 years of teaching experience.
The bulk of his work at Vocal Skills is in training young, aspiring Musical Theatre and CCM singers (from age 14 upwards). Over the last two decades his students have gained places at all the top UK colleges and Drama Schools including Mountview, Guildford School of Acting (GSA), Arts Educational, LAMDA, Central School of Speech and Drama, Royal Academy of Music, Urdang, Italia Conti, Royal Welsh, Royal Scottish, PPA, MTA, LSMT, ASMT and many others.
He also works with professionals preparing for auditions, tours and contracts, post-graduate students looking to apply to agents and colleges, and pupils who are seeking entry into the industry.
Andy regularly works with local universities, working with trainee teachers, helping them to understand the benefits of vocal health. He also runs workshops for professional voice users.
Mauro Fiuza Teacher of singing and voice researcher. Currently a Ph.D. student at the Faculty of Education of the UNED (Madrid/Spain) with a research visit at KTH (Stockholm/Sweden), and research assistant at the Voice, Music and Language Laboratory (UNED VoiceLab). Graduated in music education (UniSant'Anna/Brazil) and Master in speech language pathology (PUC-SP/Brazil). Mauro presented in-person and online lectures, lessons and workshops in several countries in North and South America and Europe, and is a founding member of the Brazilian Association of Teachers of Singing – PROCANTO, coordinator of the World Voice Day website ( and pedagogical coordinator of the Instituto de Formação em Voz - IFV/Brazil.
Dominika Płonka - założycielka Stowarzyszenia Wokalistów MIX, od 2008 r. organizuje liczne warsztaty i konferencje naukowe z ekspertami w dziedzinie wokalistyki. Akredytowany nauczyciel, Mentor i członkini zarządu ds. Europy w międzynarodowym stowarzyszeniu nauczycieli IVTOM w USA.
Dominika Płonka jest absolwentką Akademii Muzycznej w Katowicach i studium reżyserii dźwięku w Krakowie.
Jej przygoda z profesjonalnym szkoleniem muzycznym rozpoczęła się od zdobycia certyfikatu Speech Level Singing (SLS) w 2009 roku. W latach 2015-2020 zgłębiała metodę Flow Phonation. Obecnie skupia się na studiowaniu wiedzy naukowej dotyczącej głosu. Jako pedagog łączy na swoich zajęciach wiedzę z różnych dziedzin. Na kursach dla nauczycieli śpiewu wykłada głównie akustykę głosu: wiedzę na temat formantów i tembru.
Przez 15 lat była związana z Młodzieżowym Domem Kultury w Gliwicach. Obecnie prowadzi lekcje emisji głosu w Krakowskiej Szkole Jazzu i Muzyki Rozrywkowej, a także prowadzi szkołę śpiewu pod patronatem Fundacji Singart.
Dominika Płonka to również wokalistka i flecistka z bogatym dorobkiem artystycznym, obejmującym kilkanaście płyt, w tym ścieżki dźwiękowe do spektakli teatralnych oraz muzykę folkową. Jej zespół folkowy "Sąsiedzi" od 22 lat stale koncertuje, ma za sobą ponad 650 występów w Polsce, Europie i USA.
MA in Surdopedagogy, certified dancer and choreographer, certified massage therapist, Tre method provider certified participant of the Gentle Bio-energetics workshop of .She was a dancer at Alter Dance Theater and Contemporary Dance Stage for many years and worked with Witkacy Theater Staff in Zakopane for over 10 years. As a dancer, choreographer and juror, she shares her experience in artistic programs for TVN I TVP. She has been teaching classes and workshops for children, teenagers and adults for over 20 years and also taught classes in Relaxation Techniques at the Academy of Music in Lodz, direction Somatics in Dance and Therapy. Owner of the studio "ŹRÓDŁO Space of Movement and Relaxation" where she deals with releasing tension from the body using various techniques and their tools.
Graduate of the jazz department of the Music Academy in Katowice. Doctoral student at the Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz. He is a vocalist, academic teacher, coach of vocal ensembles. Conductor of gospel workshops held throughout Poland. He collaborates on a regular basis with choirs and vocal ensembles in Poland and abroad. He performs in musical productions of the Teatr Rozrywki in Chorzow, where he is also a vocal coach. He has worked with many celebrities of the Polish music scene, including Marcin Wyrostek, Edyta Górniak, Margaret, Natalia Kukulska, Stanislaw Soyka. He has made guest appearances on several albums. He is a finalist of the 6th edition of the program The Voice of Poland, winner of the Festival of Creativity of Unforgettable Polish Artists "Landscape without You".
Joanna Weir Ouston is the Senior Voice Consultant at the Oxford School of Drama, and has worked internationally as a voice, text, acting, and performance coach. She taught on the MA in Voice Studies programme at the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama in London for 27 years, as well as on Central’s BA Actor Training programme. A Designated Linklater teacher since 1991, Joanna has taught voice and text for over thirty years at major actor training schools in the UK, Australia, Europe and the USA, and has worked as a voice coach on productions in London’s West End theatres, at the Royal Shakespeare Company, The Young Vic, and regional theatres in the UK and USA. She is also a theatre director, has worked as writer for radio and television, and originally trained and worked as an actor. Joanna has led workshops and has been a keynote speaker at international Voice and Theatre conferences, and has had three articles on voice published: ‘The Breathing Mind, The Feeling Voice’, chapter 6 of the book Breath In Action (2009); ‘The Feeling Voice: a Linklater approach to freeing the voice through embodied connection to image’ for the Voice and Speech Review (2020); and an article based on her masterclasses at a Russian voice conference was published in ‘Речь На Сцене’ (Speech for the Stage) in 2021. In 1987 she was the recipient of a Churchill Fellowship, and in 1988, an Australian Arts Council award.
Matt Edwards is one of the leading voice teachers for commercial and musical theatre styles in the United States. He is currently an Associate Professor and Coordinator of Musical Theatre Voice at Shenandoah Conservatory. He is also Artistic Director of the Contemporary Commercial Music Vocal Pedagogy Institute. Former and current students have performed on American Idol, Broadway, off-Broadway, on national and international tours, and in bands touring throughout the United States. He has written numerous articles and book chapters related to CCM voice pedagogy and his book “So You Want to Sing Rock ‘N’ Roll?,” was called “an authoritative text on rock ‘n’ roll singing” by Classical Singer magazine. He has presented at numerous conferences, and universities, and is a regular guest clinician for organizations throughout the world. Online at and TikTok and Instagram @Edwards_Voice
Jan G. Svec, Ph.D. is an internationally renowned Czech physicist performing basic research on production of human voice. He holds a MSc degree in fine mechanics and optics and PhD degrees in biophysics as well as in medical sciences. He has worked as a research scientist at the Center for Communication Disorders (Medical Healthcom) in Prague, the Czech Republic, at the National Center for Voice and Speech in Denver, CO, USA and at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. Currently he is at the Palacky University Olomouc, the Czech Republic and serves also as an associate research scientist at the Voice and Hearing Centre Prague. He designed videokymography, the method for high-speed visualization of vocal-fold vibrations, which is used for advanced diagnosis of voice disorders. His broad research interests include detecting voice disorders through laryngeal vibrations, acoustics, biomechanics, voice measurement methodology, singing voice and related fields. He collaborates with numerous research teams in Europe and USA and lectures world-wide.
Neurologopedist, Polish philologist, assistant professor in the Department of Logopedics at the IWRCziE of the M. Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Pedagogy in Warsaw. Professionally associated with health care. For many years she worked at the Department of Audilogy, Phoniatrics and Phonosurgery at the IFPS. World Hearing Center in Kajetany, and is currently a consultant neurologopedist at the Department of Neonatology and Neonatal Intensive Care at the Institute of Mother and Child in Warsaw. Among other things, she provides neuro- and speech therapy, phoniatric rehabilitation for children, adolescents and adults. For many years she cooperated with Warsaw theaters, communing daily with beautiful stage pronunciation, which is why in her work with patients she pays such great attention to the culture of the spoken word. She cares about the hygiene and voice emission of her patients. She is constantly improving her professional qualifications and therapeutic competence, taking part in international speech therapy conferences, workshops and certified training courses. As a graduate of the School of Human Rights at the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, she advocates a subjective approach to patients and the protection of their rights
Neurologic and oncologic speech therapist, expert in voice rehabilitation after head and neck cancer treatment. She is a member of the interdisciplinary team of the Department of Head and Neck Surgery and Laryngological Oncology at the Wielkopolskie Oncology Center, of which Prof. Wojciech Golusinski, MD, is the head. She specializes in speech, voice, swallowing and breathing disorders after head and neck cancer surgery, after radiotherapy for head and neck cancer, voice and breathing disorders after thyroid surgery, as well as after ENT surgery and voice disorders of functional origin. She works closely with the medical team of physiotherapists and osteopaths, which allows her to improve the rehabilitation process and take a comprehensive approach to the patient.
peech therapist, MFT therapist, educator, musician. Academic lecturer and doctoral student at the Doctoral School of the M. Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Pedagogy in Warsaw, teaches dyslalia, voice production, artistic speech therapy and phonetics and phonology. Winner of the Warsaw Cultural Education Award. Member of the Polish Voice Rehabilitation Society and member of the coordinating team of the Young Scientists Circle of the Polish Pedagogical Society. Co-owner of the Speech and Voice Support Clinic "u Logopedów" in Ursus, Warsaw. In his professional practice, he provides speech and myofunctional therapy, voice rehabilitation, stuttering therapy, as well as singing lessons and media speech therapy classes. He is a tutor and vocal coach for actors/actresses. In his doctoral project, he is researching the effectiveness of his proprietary NOVA-Vox method in working on voice emission and rehabilitation, as well as lowering stage fright in children. He is the author of a validated tool for measuring stage fright in children, the "Stage Fright Scale - Children & Youth (SFS-CY)." In 2022, he completed a national research internship in clinical speech therapy and phoniatrics at the Audiology and Phoniatrics Department of the Children's Health Center in Warsaw. In 2023, he completed a 3-month foreign internship as a visiting scientist at Michigan State University (USA) in the Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders. During his stay, he also became a member of the international Analysis of Voice and Hearing Lab team and conducted scientific research in a group of patients with voice disorders using laryngeal imaging and acoustic analysis methods. He is the author of scientific publications and a speaker at national and international conferences on speech therapy and pedagogy.
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W czasie przerwy zapraszamy na stoisko VOCALY – aplikacji dla nauczycieli śpiewu i ich uczniów. VOCALY wspiera trenerów wokalnych w nauczaniu śpiewu i pomaga ich uczniom regularnie ćwiczyć między lekcjami. Dowiedz się więcej na stoisku podczas konferencji oraz na